Significant strides have been made in the new Niwot Sanitation District plant. The Oxidation Ditch is seeing progress with elevated deck installations and water testing of the anaerobic selector. The Dewatering Building is being sealed for upcoming water tests. Meanwhile, the Clarifier is undergoing major installations including decking and piping. The Headworks Building has completed its underslab piping and backfilling, and the Headworks UV Building has finished its CMU work, ready for further development.
Several key projects are making headway. The Oxidation Ditch features new elevated decks, setting the stage for future concrete work. Meanwhile, the Headworks site sees the electrical room backfilled and underslab piping installation progressing. The Dewatering building is being prepped for a water test with sealings and repairs. The UV building showcases nearly completed CMU installation, and the Clarifier undergoes backfilling with its scum box passing the water test.
Construction at the Headworks site is advancing with new walls and poured slabs, and electrical and plumbing installations underway. The Contact Chamber is taking shape with the first CMU blocks in place, marking a significant milestone. The Clarifier has passed water tests, and RLW is progressing with backfilling and shoring removal. Expansion continues on the Oxidation Ditch decking, and the anaerobic selector is preparing for a water test. Final touches are being applied to the aerobic digester and dewatering building in preparation for their upcoming water test. Overall, significant progress is being made across multiple projects.
This week, Rice Lake Construction made major progress on constructing the Oxidation Ditch, the aerobic digester and dewatering building, and the Clarifier. Crews are building the Oxidation Ditch walkway and constructing the anaerobic digester walls, with work including formwork and curing processes. The aerobic digester and dewatering building is nearing completion, with most walls poured. The Clarifier system is also advancing, with a newly completed scum pit. Lastly, the Headworks project continues to move forward, with new walls being formed and poured.
Construction progress is advancing on several projects. The Dewatering building's aerobic digester tanks are curing, with heaters and tarps maintaining optimal conditions. The Headworks project has completed wall pours, with blankets protecting the curing process. The Oxidation Ditch anaerobic tank is nearing its next pour, and Clarifier forms are being set for the scum pit.
Construction progress continues despite cold weather. The Dewatering Building is advancing with wall pours and form installations. The Headworks Building is nearing completion of form and rebar work. Niwot is adding an anaerobic treatment tank to meet regulatory requirements. Gravity and non-portable lines are 80% complete. RLW focused on the Dewatering Building due to snow and mud conditions.
This week's update includes significant construction progress on various components of the Niwot Sanitation District's wastewater treatment facility. The headworks structure is fully prepared for the next concrete pour, with rebar and wall forms in place. The clarifier has passed its water test, and scum pit construction is set to begin shortly. Rice Lake West achieved a major milestone by reinforcing and pouring the oxidation ditch's main walls ahead of the first frost. Additionally, the first concrete walls for the dewatering building have been poured. Lastly, the gravity main and non-potable lines are nearing completion, with installation of manhole inverts currently underway.
Construction of the new sanitation plant continued to make steady progress this week. The new headworks building now includes completed pipes, rebar, and wall forms after a recent concrete pour. The clarifier began water testing, while the oxidation ditch neared completion. A new manhole connected to the future gravity main, and the dewatering building prepared for upcoming pours.
This week, the new sewer main was installed along the back of the property. We will also set forms and rebar for the slab above the wet well and the main level at the headworks. The Oxidation Ditch will continue to see wall additions, with work beginning on laying rebar and forming the walls for the RAS (Return Activated Sludge) and WAS (Waste Activated Sludge) buildings. Additionally, the dewatering building will have rebar and wall forms installed.
This week, we’re excited to share significant progress in the plant construction. The Headworks building is moving forward with the backfilling process, along with the installation of influent pipes and manholes, which are key for the building's infrastructure. At the Secondary Clarifier, the slab and rebar are installed and concrete is poured in all wall forms.