A good rule of thumb is: if it isn't toilet paper or waste - don't flush it.
Here are common examples of flushed items. They harm our collection systems. They also harm our treatment processes.
Acid Automobile Fluids Bacon Grease Baked Goods Bandages Barbecue Sauce Bones Bread dough Butter Cake Frosting Cheese Cigarettes and Butts Cleaning Supplies Coffee Grounds Cotton Balls Cotton Swabs Condoms Cooked Meat Drippings Cooking Oil Dental Floss Egg Shells Facial Tissue Fat, Oil, or Grease Fruit Food Solids Glue Gravy Hair and Fur Insects Kitchen Grease | Lard Mayonnaise Oatmeal and Porridge Over the Counter Drugs Paint Paint Thinner Paper Paper Towels Perfume Pesticides Poison Powders Prescription Drugs Putties Rags Rice Rocks Rubber Bands and Balloons Salad Dressing Sanitary Pads Solvents Sour Cream Syringes Tampons & Applicators Vegetables Wet Wipes |
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