A green logo with the text "GO PAPERLESS" in white and black. The letter "O" is formed by a circular arrow, symbolizing recycling.

To do our part in helping the environment, we are requesting all Niwot Sanitation customers enroll in paperless billing. Please email admin@niwotsanitation.gov or call our office at 303-652-2525 to provide an email address to receive your statement.

Construction Update 14: Clarifier, Headworks, and Digester Construction Milestones

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This month at the Niwot Sanitation District Waste Water Treatment Plant, we've made significant strides. The clarifier and scum pit are complete, with the clarifier ready for water to be sterilized in our new UV building before release into Dry Creek. The Headworks project is advancing with CMU installation, plumbing, and electrical work nearly finished. The Anaerobic Digester passed its water tests post-patchwork, and RLW has started on its elevated deck. The Oxidation Ditch sees progress with grating installed and the elevated deck poured, now curing.

Our office remains open during regular hours — Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Clarifier and Scum Pit Completion

Construction site with large circular concrete clarifier tank in the foreground, equipped with a ladder for access. Behind it, a series of interconnected circular concrete structures are visible, part of a water treatment facility. Construction equipment and materials are scattered around the site, with a yellow excavator parked on a dirt road in the background. Safety barriers and fencing are in place around the perimeter.

Above, you can see the clarifier with a freshly poured trough. This is where the clarified water will exit the clarifier to be sterilized in our new UV building before being released into Dry Creek. Additionally, the scum pit is complete, and all plumbing has been installed.

Headworks Progress Update

Aerial view of a construction site showing the foundation of a building under construction. The structure is made of concrete blocks with scaffolding around it for support. Construction materials, including concrete blocks and pipes, are scattered around the site. Various construction equipment and temporary storage units are visible in the background, with dirt roads and pathways leading to different areas of the site. The ground is mostly bare earth with some patches of snow.

The Headworks project is progressing well; CMU installation is underway, and both plumbing and electrical work are nearing completion. There are just a few small concrete pours remaining, and most of the backfill has already been completed.

Anaerobic Digester Passes Water Tests, RLW Begins Elevated Deck Construction

Aerial view of a construction site showing two large concrete tanks. The tank on the left is partially filled with blue-green water, while the tank on the right contains dark water. Both tanks are equipped with ladders for access. Surrounding the tanks is a dirt construction area with various equipment and materials, including a small vehicle, pipes, and construction barriers. The site appears to be in the process of development or testing.

The Anaerobic Digester underwent water testing after the plug and patching were completed in January. All water tests passed, and now RLW is beginning work on the elevated deck.

Oxidation Ditch Construction Advances: RLW Completes Grating and Elevated Deck Work

Aerial view of a construction site featuring a large, circular concrete structure known as an oxidation ditch with multiple concentric channels. A bridge-like structure with scaffolding spans across the channels, covered with protective sheeting. Construction materials and equipment, including a yellow excavator, are visible around the site. The surrounding area is mostly dirt with some construction cones and barriers. Adjacent to the main structure are additional concrete tanks, part of the water treatment facility under construction.

Our Oxidation Ditch is advancing as well. RLW has installed the grating, poured the elevated deck, and is now allowing it to cure. The process took longer than expected due to the cold weather and the precision needed to ensure the elevated decking was flawless.

A panoramic aerial view of a rural construction site under a bright blue sky with scattered clouds. The site is surrounded by snow-covered fields, with patches of bare ground visible. In the foreground, there are several buildings and structures, including what appears to be a construction office and storage facilities. Construction equipment and vehicles are scattered around, with dirt roads and pathways connecting different parts of the site. In the background, the landscape extends into flat, open fields with distant mountains under the horizon. The sun is shining brightly, casting clear shadows on the ground.
 Above is a panoramic view of the Niwot Sanitation District Waste Water Treatment Plant, lightly dusted with snow.

What's next?

In the upcoming month at the headworks, we plan to install shoring and rebar. Weather permitting, we aim to pour concrete during the first week of March. For the UV building, truss installation and roof construction are scheduled to begin in the same week. Our Clarifier will continue to be backfilled as the surrounding work progresses. At the Oxidation Ditch, RLW will remove the shoring, initiate pier work, cast piers, and proceed with RAS/WAS grading and slab work throughout the rest of February.


The Aerobic Digester is set for the installation of elevated decking, rebar, and concrete pouring by the first week of March. RLW will also start pier work for the dewatering slab and continue setting pipes while backfilling the area. Lastly, RLW will collaborate with JVA to place engineered fill, install pipe encasement, lay pipe to cross Dry Creek, and set up a new manhole to connect to our new headworks.


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