The Niwot Sanitation District (NSD) bills every other month on the last business day of an even-numbered month. We bill user fees in arrears, or money that is owed.
To do our part in helping the environment, we are requesting all Niwot Sanitation customers enroll in paperless billing before January 1st, 2025. Please email or call our office at 303-652-2525 to provide an email address to receive your statement.
Pay Online
- You can pay online using credit/debit or an e-check. You can do this through the Resident Payment Portal webpage. Note: There is a $1.75 or 2.25% charge (whichever is higher) for credit/debit card payments. There is also a $1.00 fee for a one-time E-Check payment.
- You may make payments through automatic debit from a checking or savings account. To set up an automatic bank draft, download and fill out the Automatic Debit Form (PDF). Then, drop it off or mail it to our office. Our office address is 7395 N. 95th Street, Niwot, Colorado 80504. Please include a voided check. The system deducts the debit from your bank account on or after the 20th of odd-numbered months.
Pay by Cash or Check
- You may mail payments to the Niwot Sanitation District office at 7395 N. 95th Street, Niwot, Colorado 80504.
- You may deposit payments in the Niwot Sanitation District drop box located on Murray Street, across from the Niwot Post Office or in the drop box located by the front door of the district’s office.
- You may pay with cash or check at the Niwot Sanitation District office. Business hours are Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Important note: we are unable to process credit or debit card payments in the office.
District Fee Schedule
- Bi-monthly sewer service tap fees per tap (one single-family equivalent) - $198.00
- Tap Transfer Fee: Charged to new customers when ownership of a tap has changed - $60.00 (usually collected at the time of closing on the property by the title company)
- Accounts with an outstanding balance after one month will be assessed a late fee of $2.00
- Accounts with an outstanding balance after four months will be assessed a late fee of $50.00
- Accounts with an outstanding balance after six months will be assessed a late fee of $130.00
PDF documents may not be accessible to all users. If you need access to information from a PDF on our website in a more Accessible format, please contact us directly and we will be happy to accommodate your request. Please click here to contact our office.