This week, we’re excited to share the latest plant construction progress. The Headworks building is moving forward with the backfilling process, along with the installation of influent pipes and manholes, which are key for the building's infrastructure. At the Secondary Clarifier, the slab and rebar are installed and concrete is poured in all wall forms. The Dewatering building is also advancing, as the building's main cement slab has been poured and is currently curing. Additionally, more wall sections in the Oxidation Ditch are being completed, marking another step forward in the construction's progress.
Our office remains open during regular hours — Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Beautiful Views at Niwot Sanitation
A stunning view of Niwot alongside the construction of the plant.
Slab Poured for Dewatering Building
The dewatering building's slab has been poured and is currently wet due to the curing process, ensuring that the cement cures properly and doesn't crack.
Oxidation Ditch Takes Shape with Inner Walls Formed and Poured
The Oxidation Ditch is taking shape, with its inner walls now being formed and poured. We are pleased with the progress of this structure, as it is a critical component of the treatment process and involves substantial pour sizes.
Headworks Backfilled and Ready for Connection to Manhole and New Sewer Main
Our new headworks has been backfilled and is ready to be connected to the manhole and the new pipe for the sewer main.
Headworks Ready for Main Connection, First Main Holes Installed
The headworks is now prepared for connection to the new main. Rice Lake West has also installed the first of the manholes, which will be essential for maintaining the lines.
Final Pour Completed for 2nd Clarifier Walls Ahead of Cold Weather
These pictures of the second clarifier showcase the hard work of Rice Lake West and JVA, who are striving to complete as much cement work as possible before the onset of cold weather. The clarifier is constructed in sections and is a complex build, requiring precision to achieve a nearly round shape for optimal results. This week, they completed the final pour for the clarifier walls.
A Bird’s Eye View of Plant Construction
This final shot provides an overview of the entire project. We are pleased with the progress being made.
What's next?
Our next steps at Niwot Sanitation include installing the new sewer main along the back of the property. We will also set forms and rebar for the slab above the wet well and main level at the headworks. The Oxidation Ditch will continue to add walls and begin laying rebar and forming the walls for the RAS (Return Activated Sludge) and WAS (Waste Activated Sludge) buildings. Additionally, the dewatering building will have rebar and wall forms installed.